Author Talk – Ros Collins
Join us on October 6 at 2:00PM for an exciting author talk as Ros Collins discusses her second book, ‘Rosa: Memories with License’, followed by a q&a via Zoom.
Rosa: Memories with License is an entertaining window into Anglo-Australian-Jewish life of Ros Collins, her memories as a perennial migrant, and her family history.
Rosa flings open the windows and doors to invite the reader into her Anglo-Australian-Jewish family in London. She refrains from delving into deep psychological examinations of what it means to be an only child, an only grandchild, a reluctant Jewish teenager, and muse to a man whose terrible childhood scarred him for life; the ‘clues’ are all there for the curious reader to discover.
Ros Collins is a Jewish writer, having first published in 2015 with her book ‘Solly’s Girl’ followed up in 2019 with ‘Rosa: Memories with License’. Ros shares a blog with her late husband Australian Jewish writer, Alan Collins, at alanandroscollins.wordpress.com.
This event will be facilitated via Zoom, so make sure to register to ensure you receive your unique Zoom link.