• Before borrowing you will need your library membership card which has a barcode under your name (call us if you need a new barcode).
• You will also need a password which needs to be entered in the library system. (Call/ email library to add your password to your borrower details or set up when you next come in to the library.) You are ready to begin:
• Go to ljla.org.au
• Point to Services (top menu) and select Catalogue from the drop-down menu.
• Press Go (1st time only).
• In the catalogue home page, select Login (top right corner).
• Enter the barcode on your borrower card for Username (do not forget to add the minus sign preceding the barcode, for example -11110092433)
• Enter the password you have selected.
• Click on box on catalogue home page which says eBooks and it will take you to the eBooks/audio-book selection
• Click on the title you wish to borrow.
• Press the Borrow button.
• The book will download to your device. Click on open to read. After four weeks it will disappear from your device.
To Register as a library member:
• In the catalogue home page, select Register (top right corner), then press Accept.
• Enter your personal details, for Branch select LJLA
• Select a password.
• Call/Visit the library so the librarian can record your password.
• Once you have paid your membership fees then you can borrow following the above process