Serry and me : Kindertransport and beyond

Rosenberg, Elfie


A memoir of a child who was part of the Kindertransport –  seperated from her family and sent to England during WW2 , to live with an English family.


June 1939, Germany. Eight-year-old Elfie wakes late at night to find her parents standing by her bed, weeping. They are about to leave her with her fifteen-year-old sister, Serry, and join a smuggler in a bid to reach Paris. The girls soon join a Kindertransport (children only rescue mission) to England, but the trauma of that night stays with them forever. Elfie spends most of the war years in Gloucestershire billeted by a kindly mining family. Eight years elapse before she is reunited with her parents. Poignant and fascinating personal and social history.